IDDN Information


Company, organization: SARL Opera Comique

RCS (Companies register): Paris B 488 480 005

Share capital: 992.900,00 EURO

EU VAT number: FR 14 488 480 005

TVA : 20112630115858

Registered Offices:

Hôtel Icône

4, rue Amboise

75002 Paris

Tel. +33 1 42 97 56 26

Fax. +33 1 42 97 43 59

Purpose of site: Promotion of the establishment

Director of publication, legal representative: Mme Rolland

Editorial Manager: Mme Rolland

Web master, design, editing, artistic direction: SAS WIHP

Photography: SAS WIHP

Web hosting: SAS WIHP

President SAS WIHP: Vincent Ramelli

The site presents:

Informative content

Online collection of personal contact details

Information technology and freedom law: the site is the subject of a declaration to the National Commission for Information Technology and Freedom. You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you (art. 34 of the “Informatique et Libertés” law). To exercise this right, contact:

Property: The site and the information it contains are protected by French law on intellectual property and by international conventions. Except for use within the family circle or private use, the site and no element of its content may be reproduced, republished, transcribed, modified or retransmitted without the prior authorization of the rights holders.


In the event of a dispute between the professional and the consumer, they will endeavor to find an amicable solution. In the absence of an amicable agreement, the consumer has the possibility of contacting the consumer mediator to whom the professional reports, namely Mediation Tourisme et Voyage, free of charge, within one year of the written complaint addressed to the professional. The consumer mediator must be contacted by contacting:

- either by completing the form provided for this purpose on the AME CONSO website:;

- or by mail addressed to AME CONSO, 197 Boulevard Saint-Germain - 75007 PARIS.


Electronic link, for European customers, to the online dispute resolution platform:

In accordance with article L221.28 of the Consumer Code, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for contracts for the provision of accommodation services, other than residential accommodation, transport services of goods, rental of cars, catering or leisure activities which must be provided on a specific date or period


As a consumer, you have the right to register free of charge on the Bloctel telephone canvassing opposition list (